Come As You Are – A significant date in relation to the ‘Seattle’ music scene. #MusicisLife #TedTocksCovers #KurtCobain #Nirvana #AliceInChains #LayneStaley #KillingJoke #TheDamned #DaveGrohl #MadSeason #MikeMcCready #StoneGossard #ShawnSmith #Brad #LeoMoracchioli #LittleRoy

Originally posted on April 5, 2020

Ted Tocks Covers

There is a welcome sign on the outskirts of Aberdeen, Washington that says

“Welcome to Aberdeen – Come as You Are”

This is an homage to Kurt Cobain. As you venture further into the community an additional memorial awaits. It is a replica sculpture of Cobain’s Fender Jag-Stang guitar. This tribute was created by Aberdeen artists Kim and Lora Malakoff. The inscription on the memorial is a line from a Nirvana song called ‘On a Plain’. It says;

One more special message to go and then I’m done, and I can go home.”

Kurt Cobain – On a Plain

Here is a live version of that song from the famous 1993 MTV ‘Unplugged’ performance.

All of this is a way of introducing today’s feature song ‘Come as You Are’ and how this date is intrinsically tied to music history on several fronts. You will see how the characters in this…

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