Come and Get It – A lesser known rock and roll tragedy. #MusicisLife #TedTocksCovers #PaulMcCartney #Pete Ham #Badfinger

While tripping through the events of yesteryear in order to come up with a list of songs to share in this feature I rarely seem to be more than three degrees of separation from The Beatles as a band or a member of the Beatles. Today is no exception. ‘Come and Get It’ was written by Paul McCartney for the 1969 film ‘The Magic Christian’ which ‘starred’ Ringo (see what I did there?), and the great Peter Sellers. It is difficult to tell what is the original and what is the cover but I will tell the story and reverse the order. Paul McCartney in his prolific way recorded ‘Come and Get It’ upon arriving at the Abbey Road studio ahead of his band mates, in the summer of 1969. He played all the instruments and laid down a double vocal track. It took him less than an hour. It didn’t make the cut for the Abbey Road album and it was not released officially as a Beatles song until 1996 on the ‘Beatles Anthology 3’ album. So although it was not the original release here is the Paul McCartney version as performed live for the first time in Bolagna, Italy. The video and sound are not the greatest but it is a cool music moment. 

Less than a month later McCartney presented the demo to Badfinger, who were then called The Iveys. He offered them the song provided they recorded it as it was presented on the demo. The added bonus was McCartney offered to produce this song and two others. They would all be included on ‘The Magic Christian’ soundtrack. Needless to say, The Iveys took McCartney up on his offer. ‘Come and Get It’ was released in December of 1969, in the U.K and rose to #4 on the charts. It went to #7 in the U.S. It became the opening theme to the movie. There was also a string arrangement used for the closing credits. The Badfinger version also helped to launch the Apple record label with the band being notable as its inaugural act. 

Pete Ham, who was a member of Badfinger, was born on this day in 1947. He was a Welsh born, singer/songwriter/guitarist who wrote a series of hit songs for Badfinger as well as the ballad ‘Without You’ for Harry Nilsson. Unfortunately, Ham committed suicide in April of 1975 after being swindled by his manager Stan Polley of a huge record advance. A true music tragedy; his suicide note left to his pregnant wife’s read:

I will not be allowed to love and trust everybody. This is better. Pete. P.S. Stan Polley is a soulless bastard. I will take him with me.” 

Pete Ham

Polley died in 2009, but according to his on line profile his propensity for being corrupt continued. In 1991 he pleaded no contest to charges he stole funds from a business partner, and laundered the money for his own purposes. He and business partner Peter Brock had set up a corporation to manufacture airplane engines. Polley was ordered by the court to return all missing funds but according to Brock the money was never returned. The epitome of scum. 

Five years ago on this day, a plaque was unveiled in Pete Ham’s home town of Swansea. Two members of the original Badfinger band along with a couple of members of later editions, attended the commemoration and then they played a memorial concert in Ham’s name. A nice tribute. 

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